Pengembangan Aplikasi Manajemen Toko Berbasis Web dengan Fitur Kombinasi Produk pada Toko Bangunan Cahaya Baru

Livia Emily Stephanus


Toko Bangunan Cahaya Baru is a store that sells various types of building materials. However, this store still uses a conventional system for collecting data on sales and product stock, so there are often problems such as lost sales data, errors in creating sales data, and inaccurate stock data making it difficult to know stock availability. Web-Based Store Management Application with Product Combination Feature is the solution for Toko Bangunan Cahaya Baru. This application aims to make it easier for store owner to collect sales and product stock management data, make it easier for customers to buy products and find out stock availability, and provide appealing offers through the product combination feature. This application was developed using the Waterfall methodology approach and the FP-Growth algorithm. Based on the results of testing the admin and user website Toko Bangunan Cahaya Baru using the Blackbox Testing and System Usability Scale (SUS) method, it was found the user perception calculation score was 78.75 so it can be concluded that all features can work well according to their function and are easy to use and the creation of the Toko Bangunan Cahaya Baru website application is running as expected.


Sales Management System, Waterfall Methodology, FP-Growth Algorithm



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